There is now new evidence of people developing mesothelioma having had no history of exposure to asbestos at work, but instead, they have been exposed to asbestos while repairing or renovating their homes.
Mesothelioma is a highly aggressive and currently incurable cancer caused almost exclusively by exposure to asbestos dust. Most of those who contract mesothelioma have worked in an industry such as construction or mining where they were exposed over a long period of time.
A group of researchers at Aarhus University Hospital in Slagelse, Denmark have said that they have studied mesothelioma patients who were exposed to asbestos while cutting into and drilling roof sheeting in their homes. Neither had ever worked in an industry where they were exposed to asbestos. The researchers say that it shows how important it is to take care when working with asbestos products as the dust which is a result of cutting or drilling or sanding can never be expelled from the body once inhaled and it is that which can lead to mesothelioma. And it only needs one single exposure.
Usually homes built after the 1980s contain very little asbestos because it was known that it could cause cancer, but those built earlier, may very well contain asbestos in the roof, ceiling or floor tiles or insulation.
To minimize the risk of mesothelioma, anyone planning to do home repairs who thinks there may be asbestos in the home should always contact an asbestos professional.
If you have been diagnosed with any an asbestos related disease, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. To find out how we can help you recover for your asbestos related claim, contact the Law Office of Brayton Purcell, LLP at (800) 598-0314 immediately, or contact us online for a free consultation.