Brayton Purcell, LLP - 222 Rush Landing Road, PO Box 6169, Novato, CA 94945

How Asbestos Causes Mesothelioma – A video tutorial

Mesothelioma is a relatively rare cancer which is caused by asbestos exposure. But, due to the fact that the disease often takes 25 or more years to develop, many people have a difficult time envisioning the link between asbestos exposure today and a disease which may not appear for several decades. One of the reasons for the delayed onset of mesothelioma is the fact that the process by which asbestos irritates the lungs, and eventually leads to the disease, is slow and gradual. In order to give you a better idea of how asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, take a look at the following video.

As can be seen, asbestos exposure begins by simply inhaling it into lungs, causing them to scar. The lungs attempt to repair themselves, which causes a chain reaction in which cancerous cells develop. This is one reason why researchers have been able to link asbestos exposure directly to mesothelioma. The disease occurs as a result of the lungs’ defense mechanism against this unique and unusual threat.

Asbestos continues to be prevalent in just about every facet of American Society. The substance can be found in buildings and numerous products, and is probably too ubiquitous to ever completely eliminate. But despite the risks, even today companies continue to expose workers to asbestos without giving them the proper training, equipment, and information needed to stay safe. If you, or anyone you know, have developed asbestos related disease such as mesothelioma or lung cancer, contact the California Mesothelioma Attorneys at Brayton Purcell, LLP now at 855-346-6652.